Jahtiek Long Dream Warriors Interview

Written by Jessie C

jahtiek long

Wassuppp guys, welcome on this chilly day. I know it’s harder to get up out of bed, it’s all comfortable and warm. We all have lots to do and achieve, if you don’t; change that ASAP ! I’m here each and every Wednesday, last week was Halloween. I know everyone is still eating left over candy , ha but let’s get down to business. This week is featuring a Dream Warrior for sure, busy busy man. One of Staten Islands native and involved in bettering the community. Puts himself out there to help others in having an outlet for their chance to express themselves. Artistic in more than one way, let’s welcome none other than Mr. Jahtiek Long. 

Hello sir, thank you for your time 

Thanks Jess for having me

Interesting how we Jah and I met.

Oh boy, nah dope vibes...dope vibes.

So I met Jah while I was waitressing at this bar/restaurant down in Stapleton and Jah was walking by and he stop in and in his hands there were cd cases, designed with beautiful art, one project he was working on, and Jah was selling his poetry for like $1. My bosses were a**holes and told me to tell this person (Jah) to leave, I decided to buy a poem with my tips.

After that our lives seemed to pass each other, either events that we were both at or things we were participating in.

Yeah Jess you are super dope

Thank you, and we are both fiery Aries’, we are a grand ole time.

Any dreams you have already accomplished and any currently you are going after?

One of my dreams was to show my art work in Snug harbor and I got to not only do that but put on a entire show featuring 26 other people ! Currently I'm working on traveling more, just got back from Arizona.

How was it? 

It was life changing and so much fun too.

Any dreams you’d would like to share?

I have a lot of dreams so the list could go on forever honestly, but I'd say my top 3 are to:

•Make a stable living off of my passions

•Support in creating more public art on Staten Island

•One day getting a Staten Island ferry named after me.

Wow those dreams are pretty amazing , the Staten Island ferry I can definitely picture your name on it. Super dope.

Do you feel you are considered a strong individual?

I feel that I am a very strong person, I've been through a lot of uphill battles. I’ve always made sure I come out on top and when it seems like times are dark I look for the strength within. I know that if its an obstacle for now it can only make me stronger when I conquer it!

Amen, to that! I feel that’s why there’s a difference between the DreamWarriors and non DreamWarriors. We have to push through all tribulations. Sometimes I just smile and look up when something else pops up in my life as a “speed bump”

Yup, you ain’t lying.

So, do you feel a DreamWarrior is based on fighting for 1 dream or multiple dreams?

For me personally I feel like a Dreamwarrior is based on fighting for multipe dreams not just your own but inspiring others to chase their dreams as well.

Well said.

Can you mention an experience that turned into a major turning point and became an obstacle? Maybe leaving you to make a hard decision?

A major turning point that turned into an obstacle was moving out of my parents house. It definitely wasn't easy and I had to make a choice of whether it was worth it to continue living somewhere were I felt like I wasn't challenging myself.

Comfortableness is a drug I’m telling you. Once you get to that point it’s very difficult to challenge or grow as a person.

What is some advice you would give someone facing that challenge?

I would say keep your head up , stay positive, only stay around people who are inspiring, and keep working hard till you reach your goal.

From that experience was there a lesson learned or some gain of knowledge taken from that?

I definitely learned a lot from that experience my biggest take away, was that you definitely should create stability if possible when making major life changes. Don’t be afraid to take risk for something more aligned to your vision even if it seems scary at first because its different. I also learned that its okay to ask for support and that the real ones that love you will always have your back in some way or form.

Truth spoken for sure.


What are some things you’d like to partake in?

I’d like to paratake in creating art, music, and being involved in supporting the cultivation of Staten Island creative culture. One of my favorite things to do is to play my ukulele on a nice breezy day by the water during sunset, its very calming and relaxing.

Definitely something I would be down with, I love my trips to the beach or even just at the park. Just appreciating everything and  self talks, we all need some breathers and calm walks.

Well Jah, thank you for you time and all your answers were all truly amazing and genuine. We will be here next week guys, featuring another DreamWarrior and be sure to follow the weeks at Stereotypeco.com.

My name is Jessica and my Instagram is jessie5_world and I definitely have the link in my bio. I just posted today some dope things from Jah’s page, his Instagram is 

@Mikediexverse, thanks Jess for having me.

No problem and we are out!!!!

Peace and Love