E-SWERVE Interview | Respect the Producer Interview


How did you get your name?: “E” is the first letter and syllable of my name so it's been my nickname my whole life. When I was in college my friends added “Swerve” which had something to do with the fact that I do well in diverse environments, and had a knack for always working my way around tough situations.

Where are you from?: Cleveland Heights; on the east side of Cleveland, Ohio.

How did you get into Producing?: I had an interest in music at a young age. By 13 I was writing sheet music on my computer and bouncing the audio to show friends. Out of all the ways to make music, producing gave me the ability and freedom to create whatever I imagined; whether realistic or surreal.

What did you do to advance your skills/knowledge?: Honestly, just about anything I could. Listening to a TON of music, traditional rituals like church choirs and family holiday singing, learning instruments, learning music theory, watching and collabing with other creators, and lots of experimentation.

What did your first set up look like?: The first beat I ever made was on a Windows 98 or ME computer using a program called “Melody Assistant.” No plugins, no mics, no nothing.


What does your current setup look like?: MacBook Pro, Novation Launchkey 61 Keyboard, Ableton/Logic, Maschine, Apollo Twin, Krk Rokit 8, Cascade Fat Head II, and my trumpet is an Adams A10 with a Monette B6S1 Mouthpiece.

If you could produce for any artist (dead or alive), who would it be?: I think Anderson .Paak and I would come up with something super crazy.

What is your goal when you create?: It varies.
Ultimately, my goal is to create something beautiful and relatable with the intent to help, inspire, and enlighten others. I tend to make things that fit my mood, or a mood I want to shift to and share with others. Furthermore I hope people feel free when they listen to my music; empowered to strive beyond their wildest expectations, and never fear themselves or their true desires.

What's your go-to song right now?: So for me, I usually cycle a certain “sound” or “wave” vs. one specific song because a single song gets played out to me really fast. Right now I’ve kinda been on a UK Drill wave, and some commercial hip-hop (“mumble rap”) vibes. I def steamed those recent Drake drill flows quite a bit.


What is your dream as a Producer?: I’d love to be in a position where I can always work with people that inspire me, whether it be close friends or industry heavyweights, and create amazing projects that help people.  
Also, I would love to have a platform that can inspire other people to realize they have the ability to become whatever they want.

What is some advice you would give to someone with a dream to become a Producer? : Look deep inside and figure out what your end of the road goal is, what you’re good at, and what you’re not so good at. Then start to focus on things that both; you are good at, and that will also take you to your end goal. Be humble, make friends. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN - to as much music as possible, to what other producers/musicians/artists say etc.

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theinfiniteselves

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